Thursday, January 26, 2012

English Grammar: Understanding the Basics


The book was inspire by the students, most of whom panic when we say words like adjective, subject, and passive. We believe that panic will be replaced by knowledge and confidence as readers work their way through this user-friendly book.

How is this book organized? 

-The book has 3 parts: Part I deals with types of words, Part II with types of phrases, and Part III with types of sentences.

-Each part is divided into unit sand each unit is subdivided in related lessons.

-Each lesson contains ample Test yourself exercises.(with answer keys) 

-A review matching exercise with an answer key is included at the end of each part.

-Additional review exercises for each unit are provided on the companion website. 

-For easy reference, the end of the book contains a list of all Quick tips, a detailed glossary, and an index.

Download Now!